Hot Mess
There are many ways to make sure you stay up to date on your daily routine or schedule. However, no amount of fancy technology can help with a schedule that is just too full. This week, we pull from the Bible practical steps you can take when your schedule gets too full.
Scripture: Genesis 2:2-3; John 5:17; Psalm 84:10; Luke 2:41-49
Chaos is often associated with this phrase. So, in this series, we are talking about parts of our life that fall into this category. Last week, we spent time learning about what to do when our family is a hot mess. Today, we are taking another step in the process, talking about our schedule, which is an area in all of our lives that gets a bit chaotic from time to time.
The reason for the message today isn’t strictly about working hard, it’s about having a full schedule, because the repercussions of a chaotic and full schedule will affect those closest to you. They are the ones most directly impacted by your schedule, and your time management/mis-management skills.
The truth is, our discussion today and that of last Sunday many times go hand in hand.
So I want to share with you a few things the Bible says to help us regain a manageable schedule, rather than one that’s a chaotic hot mess.
What is the first step we can take toward reevaluating our schedule to make sure we are healthy? Well, quite simply, we must find Sabbath rest.
Genesis 2:2-3 says “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”
God created the heavens and earth in six days. Then, on the seventh day, the Bible says He rested from all the work He was doing. He rested.
So did the all-powerful God rest because He got tired? Of course not! In fact, Jesus says these words in John 5:17…
“But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”
Sabbath rest is an act of faith, which means that it isn’t always easy to do, and it can feel a bit overwhelming.
But this type of rest can radically change your life and change your schedule. Stepping out in faith can feel awkward, but we must make faith choices every day. We must choose God over other things. We invest our best in the things of God and He takes care of the rest.
Sabbath rest includes Investing in Time With God (Psalm 84)
See, I’m convinced that every single person in here has time they can make for God. You may or may not agree with me; but I can promise you that 90% of us could make more time for God very simply – by either putting down our phone, or putting down our TV remote.
I realize we are all different. I’m simply advocating that you try something, that you take a step of faith and invest your time in God. In addition to that, there is one more practical step I would offer to you today, one that Jesus shows us even before His public ministry begins.
Give God Your Schedule
As you press into Him, your priorities will begin to shift. You will be about your Father’s business. You will intertwine the Gospel message into everything you find yourself doing! People will notice it, your family will notice it, your coworkers will notice it, and we will notice it. You will finally have time for a Sabbath rest each week. You will set aside time each day for investment into God’s Word and build your relationship with Him.
This is how you find peace in the midst of chaos. This is how you get control of an out of control hot mess of a schedule.
You give it all to Him.
Scripture: Genesis 2:2-3; John 5:17; Psalm 84:10; Luke 2:41-49
Chaos is often associated with this phrase. So, in this series, we are talking about parts of our life that fall into this category. Last week, we spent time learning about what to do when our family is a hot mess. Today, we are taking another step in the process, talking about our schedule, which is an area in all of our lives that gets a bit chaotic from time to time.
The reason for the message today isn’t strictly about working hard, it’s about having a full schedule, because the repercussions of a chaotic and full schedule will affect those closest to you. They are the ones most directly impacted by your schedule, and your time management/mis-management skills.
The truth is, our discussion today and that of last Sunday many times go hand in hand.
So I want to share with you a few things the Bible says to help us regain a manageable schedule, rather than one that’s a chaotic hot mess.
What is the first step we can take toward reevaluating our schedule to make sure we are healthy? Well, quite simply, we must find Sabbath rest.
Genesis 2:2-3 says “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”
God created the heavens and earth in six days. Then, on the seventh day, the Bible says He rested from all the work He was doing. He rested.
So did the all-powerful God rest because He got tired? Of course not! In fact, Jesus says these words in John 5:17…
“But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”
Sabbath rest is an act of faith, which means that it isn’t always easy to do, and it can feel a bit overwhelming.
But this type of rest can radically change your life and change your schedule. Stepping out in faith can feel awkward, but we must make faith choices every day. We must choose God over other things. We invest our best in the things of God and He takes care of the rest.
Sabbath rest includes Investing in Time With God (Psalm 84)
See, I’m convinced that every single person in here has time they can make for God. You may or may not agree with me; but I can promise you that 90% of us could make more time for God very simply – by either putting down our phone, or putting down our TV remote.
I realize we are all different. I’m simply advocating that you try something, that you take a step of faith and invest your time in God. In addition to that, there is one more practical step I would offer to you today, one that Jesus shows us even before His public ministry begins.
Give God Your Schedule
As you press into Him, your priorities will begin to shift. You will be about your Father’s business. You will intertwine the Gospel message into everything you find yourself doing! People will notice it, your family will notice it, your coworkers will notice it, and we will notice it. You will finally have time for a Sabbath rest each week. You will set aside time each day for investment into God’s Word and build your relationship with Him.
This is how you find peace in the midst of chaos. This is how you get control of an out of control hot mess of a schedule.
You give it all to Him.
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